Week of November 8

Second to last project down, dear readers. We’re getting closer and closer to the end. I will say that this was, by far, the most difficult project we’ve had in this class. Partly due to the sheer open-endedness of the system design and partly due to the challenge of breaking a convention that has been so deeply engrained in me from previous Java courses. That’s right, dear readers, NO getters and setters! It was horrendous…. I literally had to break my brain several times in order to come up with new ways to communicate data between different classes. We didn’t fully finish the project, but we got most of the major functionality working.

I am also discovering just how much I enjoy this course and how interesting I find the material. At the beginning of the semester, I was apprehensive and, I admit, fairly intimidated. This was the course I took as a waitlist filler at first and then decided it was better than any of the other alternatives, but people I knew who had taken it in the past still said it was extremely difficult. But as I’ve come to class every day and really allowed myself to become immersed in the material, I’m proud to look back at all I know now about the ins and outs of a particular programming language and, by extension of comparison, several other programming languages. This is the first time I’ve taken a course that really digs into the gritty details of language and I like it!

Tip of the Week: Fan of Bash? Here's a cool thing for you! http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/doku.php

Written on November 8, 2015