Week of September 13

This week we had our first project due. It involved incorporating a wide range of development technologies to present a solution to the Collatz Conjecture. As we got deeper into the project implementation, it became clear that the underlying purpose of the project was much more than simply to simulate a work environment. Downing stressed the importance of attention to detail, but this turned out to involve much more than paying close attention to the explicit directions. There were all sorts “hidden" tips and instructions in comments among the files. In this way, we as the “workers” had to look beyond the details of the explicit instructions from our “manager” and seek out illumination in the inner workings of the project.

We also had our first guest speaker present to our class about his work in the software field. He worked for Bloomberg in New York and described his experience working on a variety of teams and how to stay current, as well as, grounded in history with a smattering of programming languages. It was amusing and enlightening to see that the informality and joviality of college life can still be preserved in the professionalism of a full-time job. Additionally, it was fascinating to learn about the diverse range of technologies incorporated into different projects within one company, how quickly they change over time, and the variety and contrast of technologies chosen between companies.

Until next time, dear readers - keep studying, keep up with the chapters, and start those projects early!

Tip of the week: Crazy about fonts? Adobe's Frank Grießhammer is reviving the Hershey fonts. See the full article here: http://lwn.net/Articles/654819/

Written on September 13, 2015