Week of October 25
Another week in the life, dear readers. This week in class we got into the more complicated structures and concepts of the course – delving into building inner containers of different data structures. It’s a really great review…until you get called on in class and feel like a complete idiot for not remembering what container makes up a priority queue (it’s a binary heap by the way). So embarrassing…. Thinking about the finer details of these structures, however, and expanding on the basic concepts we learned in Data Structures many moons ago has been fascinating and extremely helpful.
The class lectures have been a little more difficult this week however. Each day we ran over time building our versions of different inner containers, so we did not have time to go over the solution as a class. This wouldn’t have been so bad except we had a quiz over the structure in the next class. So if there was a part you didn’t understand or didn’t get quite right, you were sort of out of luck for the quiz that day.
On the brighter side, the project this week was extremely straightforward. I was lucky enough to get another really great partner, and we even ended up finishing two days early! When you really have a good partner dynamic and a course that really analyzes the needed material the week before, everything falls into place so much more easily.
Tip of the Week: Not really a tip this week, but an interesting article I found on a piece of hardware that could replace flash storage! http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/10/151019072035.htm